Burnt Orange Sofa Set
Get 5 Seater Burnt Orange Sofa Set imported from Netherlands. It is a new sofa and comfortability that the sofa offer is on another level.
If the sofa won’t gladden your heart and give your living room amazing outlook then I have to be blame.
Main features
- Round removable metallic legs (black in color).
- Detachable fiber cushions.
- The three seater can be divided into two equal parts
- Burnt orange color
- At the base of cushions we have well spread springs that offer supports and ensure stability.
- Depending with your preference, you can have L- shaped arrangements or side by side.
Have a look at the sofa and well spread strong legs
The sofa cushions is divided into
- 3 seater- Partitioned into three cushions which is spacious enough, can be occupied by up to 4 people comfortably or 6 people a bit squeezed.
- 2-seater- Partitioned to two which can be occupied by two or three people.
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